Saturday, March 8, 2014

It's Your Turn!

At this point in the course, you have had the opportunity to learn a number of facts about stuttering and have also watched videos of people who stutter speak.  You should understand that common interactions can sometimes be very difficult for a person who stutters. During this week, I would like you to pretend to stutter while you interact with a stranger in three separate situations.  It could be the checkout clerk in a store, or you could ask directions from someone on the street.  I would like you to choose activities that would commonly occur during your day, but add in a stutter while interacting with someone who doesn't know you.

Before you go out and stutter, take a moment to leave a comment on this blog post about how you think the experience will unfold.  Let us know how you feel about pretending that you stutter, how you think others will react, and what you expect to happen.

After you head out and find some opportunities to stutter, please come back to this post and leave a comment about your experience.  Share with the rest of the class what kind of situation you chose, how you stuttered, the reaction of the other person, and how you felt.  Also, you should share anything that you felt was very positive about the interaction or anything that was negative.

Your comments should be left on this post by the end of this week.  Good Luck!  I look forward to reading about your experiences!